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Zlatka Miteva

Zlatka Miteva, one of the most interesting flutists of the younger generation from Macedonia, was born in 1980. She graduated from the National Music Academy Pancho Vladigerov in Sofia, Bulgaria in the class of Professor Lydia Oshavkova. Having completed her master studies at the same Music Academy, Ms. Miteva was awarded the title of concert soloist. Zlatka Miteva pursued professional advancement at courses held by eminent flautists and professors Andras Adorian, Patrick Gallois, Lydia Oshavkova, Marina Novak, Claudio Ferrarini and Mario Caroli. As a recepient of scholarship of the Accademia Italiana Del Flauto, Ms Miteva attended a specialist course on Flautissimo 2013 in Rome, Italy. Zlatka Miteva was the winner of numerous national and international awards, such as the Special award in the chamber music category at the International festival Music and Earth in Sofia, Bulgaria; first prize in the solo flute category at the National Music Competition in Macedonia; second and third prize at the National Competition on Chamber Music; and finalist at the International Competition Petar Konjovich in Belgrade, Serbia. As a soloist, Ms. Miteva has had performances with the Macedonian Symphony Orchestra, Academic Symphony Orchestra, Vraca Symphony Orchestra. Zlatka Miteva took part in reputed music festivals in Croatia (Dubrovnik Music Festivals, InterFox Festival in Osijek), in Slovenia (First European Picollo Festivals), in Bulgaria (Appolonia Music Festivals, European Music Festival in Varna, International Festival, March Music Days in Ruse), in Macedonia (InterFest, Skopje Summer Fest, Stip Summer Fest, Bitola Summer Fest) and other European countries. She also performed in recital concerts in Italy, USA, Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, Turkey and   Macedonia. In 2010, Zlatka Miteva created TRIO ACADEMICO (flute, clarinet and piano). Performing they’ve had very successfully concert tours in various cities across Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Albania and Croatia. As a classical flutist, Ms Miteva has performed contemporary works, with interest in the newest trends and research in contemporary music.  She is also a member of the Ensemble of Contemporary Music ConTempor. She is a winner of the state award "Georgi Bozhikov" and an honorary member of the Foundation " Zografski Tomislav ". In 2017 she released a CD (Music for flute and piano by Macedonian authors) together with the pianist Natasha Trbojevikj. As of 2009, Zlatka Miteva is Flute Professor at the Music Academy of the State University "Goce Delchev" in Shtip Macedonia.